Poker Call Raise Fold

  1. To match the bet of a player who has already bet.
  2. The matching of an opponent's bet or raise. (noun)

Popular Uses

So at 55BB this is a fold at 100BB, you can play 76s. That being said, BU calling that raise with several to act is very strong and unless we have a read on villain having a single heart in hand we should check/evaluate probably call river. Or as played, bet/fold. Another player may now bet, in which case you may fold your hand, call the bet or raise (the action of first checking and then raising when an opponent bets is known as a check-raise). If no-one bets on that round then the next card is dealt and again the first player has a choice whether to bet or check.

Poker Call Raise Fold Chairs

At the point when it returns to your turn once more, you'll need to choose what to do at that point, for example – poker fold call raise or check and call in poker. Betting is the point at which you're the initial individual to place cash into the pot. Different players need to conclude whether to poker fold call raise. Cutoff range vs HiJack open (red = raise, orange = raise or call, pink = raise or fold, green = call) as recommended by The Poker Lab By inputting these ranges into Equilab, we can work out the equity of our range versus that of our opponent and compare it with the raw equity required to profitably call the 3-bet (remember, 31%) in this spot.

I already messed this hand up pretty good, so I may as well call. -Chris Ferguson

I could make a crazy call on you... -Sam Farha to Chris Moneymaker during Moneymaker's famous bluff at the final table of the 2003 World Series of Poker.

You Should Also Know...

There are different types of calls in poker parlance:

Cold call - to call a raise without having already put any money in the pot.

Flat or smooth call - to call bet when one would normally raise, in order to play the hand deceptively. This is a type of slow play.

Over call - calling a bet after everybody else still in the hand has called.

Crying call - calling when one thinks he is not going to win the hand.

Related Terms

Fold, Bet, Check, Raise, Aggressive Call, Imper1um, Daniel Negreanu

DECISION POINT: In a $2/$5 no-limit hold'em cash game, you are dealt under the gun. You're first to act...


PRO ANSWER: You are dealt and are first to act from under the gun — do you fold, call, or raise? Although this seems like a simple scenario, many players struggle with the discipline necessary to play appropriate preflop starting hand ranges consistently.

In this hand, we are UTG at a 10-handed table. This is the worst position you can be in and the hands that you choose to play should reflect this disadvantage.

When you raise from early position, you are significantly more likely to encounter a premium hand behind you. In addition, when you do get action, you are likely to be out of position against your opponents postflop. Also, multi-way pots occur more often when you enter the pot from early position.

Hands that make one pair, like big Broadway cards, suffer greatly from this disadvantage. One of the more common leaks that players have is overvaluing one-pair hands while being out of position, especially in multi-way pots.

In this position, you should only be playing hands that perform well multi-way, such as pocket pairs, or very premium unpaired hands, such as ace-king or ace-queen. Your hand, , should simply go into the muck in this spot, every time.

Poker Call Raise Fold Beds

It doesn't matter if this is the best hand you've seen in the last hour — this is a clear fold. Do not fall into the trap of open-raising marginal Broadway hands with so many opponents left to act.

Poker Raise Call

Folding is the best play.

Poker Call Raise Fold Laundry Service

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Poker Call Raise Fold Chair

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